Blog: Latest News and Updates

School Custodians Keep Us Safe!

Keeping CPS Schools Healthy and Safe
Local 1 custodians like Jeanette are on the front lines of this crisis, working hard to keep schools clean and safe

For Kates Security Officer Latoya, Safety At CHA Of Utmost Importance
Kates puts residents at risk every day by not providing adequate training for officers. But, not only areresidents being harmed, so are the families of the many officers like Latoya who find it difficult to makeends meet on low wages.

Why This Kates Security Officer Is Fighting For A Union at CHA
"Having the union will help us give us workers some security. Coming together in a union means the company will have people to answer to,” she says.
Stop Poverty among Forest Park Adjuncts
Stopping poverty in our region can start right here at STLCC. The Board of Trustees needs to recognize the important role educators play and offer the fair wage we need to support our families.